adobe color app
adobe color app


Adobe Color

AdobeColorgivesyouthepowertoextractabeautifulgradientfromanyimageyouchoose.Createontrendgradientswithupto16differentcolors.Visit ...

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Adobe Color Tool Demo

2022年3月5日 — Adobe Color Tools是一個庫,使您可以輕鬆地從應用程序導出顏色列表。 在GitHub上檢出庫:

Adobe Color

Adobe Color gives you the power to extract a beautiful gradient from any image you choose. Create on trend gradients with up to 16 different colors. Visit ...

Adobe Color



This color theme consists of Periwinkle Blue, Flood, Flood, Wooed and Haunted Dreams. It was created with shades harmony.

App color theme

This color theme consists of Mimesia Blue, Wild Forest, Shy Guy Red, Squant and Basalt Grey. It was created with custom harmony.

Color theme

This color theme consists of Demonic Presence, Algerian Coral, Furious Red, Strong Envy and Diablo Red. It was created with monochromatic harmony.


This color theme consists of Fall Harvest, Tangelo Cream, Limonite, Dark Sienna and Oxford Brick. It was created with custom harmony.

Mobile app color theme

Wolf Lichen, Gamboge, Red, Space Opera, Brain Freeze are represented by this color theme.


2022年3月5日—AdobeColorTools是一個庫,使您可以輕鬆地從應用程序導出顏色列表。在GitHub上檢出庫:,AdobeColorgivesyouthepowertoextractabeautifulgradientfromanyimageyouchoose.Createontrendgradientswithupto16differentcolors.Visit ...,色輪可以用作顏色生成器。或者,您可以從影像中擷取調色板或色彩漸層,建立相容輔助功能的調色盤。,ThiscolorthemeconsistsofPer...